The long and winding journey...

Sunday, November 14, 2004

What a week...

Would you believe it? This week has had more ups and downs than a roller coaster. But I can narrow it down to two major details for this week. Oh yeah... Sorry if I don't post as often as I used to... I'm THAT busy.

First, the good stuff. I ended up being an organizer for the Amazing CCS Race 2004, which was held last Friday. It was really fun! It was reality TV unfolding right before my eyes. Although we had to handle a lot of technical glitches, it went very well. Ramin and Zelda buried their competition to take the victory. Congratulations!

Now, the... not-so-good stuff. DBAPDEV is due on November 25. As it is, we only have 11 days left. And there's still a lot of confusion to boot. In fact, I'm in an overnight now at a mate of ours, finishing the project. Err... I don't want to flunk this subject, but I'm having that helpless feeling... Arg. God help us all.

That's all for now.


Tuesday, November 02, 2004

So much for halftime.

The Cebu thing came and went... I enjoyed it, but not all that much. Thoughts of DBAPDEV (and even SYANAD) couldn't help but creep into my mind. Then again, what could I do? Both have deliverables for this week. At least I caught all with all that missed sleep. I'll be missing a lot of that again until Christmas. :p

Speaking of Cebu, we took a plane to get there and get back here. (Duh!) I'm starting to get used to it now. Plane rides used to be way too freaky for me, with all the going up and down. (not to mention turbulence!) I even used to hold on to the handlebars reeeeally tight, but not anymore. I looked too stupid doing that. :))

Hmmm... what else? Almost all motor racing is done for the year (save NASCAR), and it's kind of sad. Oh well, time to go to those VHS tapes again. Also, US elections coming up. Again, our Philippine media is hyping it up, taking great note of what will happen. Maybe it's because it'll determine what will happen to us and our government (with all those foreign aid). Since I'm sleepy right now (at 10 in the morning!), I'll just leave you to think about that.

That's it for now. (If only today was a holiday...)
