Yep, that's what I've been up to right now... when I'm awake, at least. School can really take it out of you, but it's OK.
I've been thinking though... Imagine if our lives were musicals. What would it be like? We'd be picking all sorts of songs. Sure, we might look a bit exaggerated, but who cares??? (OK, I'm not making sense again. :p)
It reminds me of the time I first sang in front of a crowd. I remember the first line went something like, "Sing, sing a song..." (What's the title of that song again? Anyone?) Anyway, everyone was saying, "Oh, you sing well." and "You did so well!" Nowadays, I sing and people ask, "You want it to rain?" Dang.
But it feels nice to sing or to listen to music. It just makes me feel better. I don't know why; it just does. Hehe... Oh well.
Gotta go! I'll just drift off to sleep... :D
P.S. Let's go Yankees, let's go! Who's your daddy??? (Hahaha! I should sleep now. :p)
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