The long and winding journey...

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Of papers and weeners, tamaraws and archers

Well, it's been quite a day for me. It's surprising I'm still not sleepy yet. I slept at 3:30 this morning! And when I woke up (2 hours later), we still had a lot of work to do.

Ruthie, my groupmate, still hadn't merged our contributions into a single document. Worse, her Internet card ran out, so she couldn't send me the file. So I searched all over Leon Guinto (at 7:30 in the morning!) for a Net card. Thank goodness I found one quickly. I gave her the details, and told her to pay me later.

With that fixed, I waited... and waited... and waited some more. She sent it at 9:15, 5 minutes before class! I decided to go in late and put in the flowcharts (which she wasn't able to put in yet). After that, I sent it back to her (so she could finish the format editing) and went to class.

MANACON today was... odd. Although Mr. Ona discussed the Systems Development Life Cycle again (at Ms. Bacong's request), we ended up talking about things like "May nasiraan na, Sir, ng bait sa CCS?" ("Meron!")

Anyway, after that, I ran to EGI and met Jake to get the edited files and get them printed. Since it was a 37-page report... let's just say it hurts the wallet. Although there were nervous moments because some parts were still missing and she had to rush email them. But aside from that, we completed it and submitted it by 11AM. After getting it in, we all felt a large sigh of relief. But DATPROJ was still coming up.

And true enough, that deliverable was what we discussed. But at least Sir Oli was in a good mood. Even better, Ruthie handled his questions with confidence (and panache, may I add!) As it ended up, he was very satisfied with what we did based on what she said. Let's just hope it stays that way. :D

From there, fire drill notwithstanding, it was on to the Winners Pool General Assembly. I didn't even know I got in! I just found out last night when someone texted me to go to the GA. Before that, I thought I didn't get accepted because no one informed me. Oh well... It's something for the resume again. :)

From there, it was home and sleep. But I'm sure that wasn't enough for me to catch up on what I missed last night. So I'm guessing I'm falling asleep early. ;)

Tomorrow will be... odd. JAVA-01 proposal, the 2nd part of our FPJ-Susan Roces (!) film in JPRIZAL (more about that tomorrow), the DBAPDEV night class, and of course... THAT game.

OK, I'll go on the record. I'm predicting we will win, and win big. We will become UAAP men's seniors basketball champions (complete!) in style. :D Lasallites, pray for our team.

That it's for tonight, people.



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